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Paws, Reflect & Connect
Community Network
Join us on a journey to wholeness & connection with your canine companion.
Typically, it's the 'hard dogs' - the ones that present us with greater challenges - that cause us to feel overwhelmed, frustrated and even helpless. But paradoxically, they also have the power to unlock our emotions, fuel our curiosity begin a search to discover new ways to help our dogs feel safe, nurtured and grow their trust and confidence.
We have been in your shoes and know what its like. We also know exactly what you need to enable those shifts towards wholeness and connection. And, inside this membership platform you will find all the knowledge, skills, tools, inspiration and support necessary to make this happen!
And that's exactly why we created the Paws, Reflect & Connect Community.
Because we want you and your dog to experience less stress and more magical moments.
Our aim is to guide YOU AND YOUR DOG to embrace a dynamic life...
A life where we let go of perfectionism, embrace possibility and welcome new learning opportunities.
A life where we are continuously growing, changing, evolving and transcending limitations.
A life in which we connect deeply to ourselves, to our dogs and to nature, and the richness that life has to offer.